Thursday, August 11, 2011

Teething and BBQ's

Afton cut her first tooth a few days ago and I believe she is working on another one, because she has been CRANKY with a capital C! To appease her crankiness even a little bit we have been giving her anything we can think of to chew on (safely).
I remember someone telling me a big thick carrot is a great teething toy. She doesn't care for the frozen ones so we tried this out. And she loved it! She chewed on that thing for a few hours. Then we left that evening (we were being brave, what with the crankiness and all) to go to a BBQ at the Fronk's house.
Then she was so interested in the other little kids that she lost interest of her carrot. And it was getting a little gross anyways... so Toby (the Fronk's dog) snatched it up and finished it off for her. Thanks Toby.
We had yummy chicken kebabs, corn on the cob and watermelon for dinner. Sounds like summer right? I have a feeling I will be more than a little depressed once winter hits and I can't shop at the farmers market anymore for peaches and watermelon.
Summer BBQ's are wonderful (especially when I get a night off of cooking AND the food fits into my new eating habits.) Thanks again to the Fronks and the Adams for a wonderful evening.
Oh and to Oliver and Toby for the entertainment. (They are playing, not fighting. Don't worry. We aren't running a dog fight club or anything.)

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