Friday, September 23, 2011

New Car Smell

After almost 6 years with Flora (Yes, I name my cars, don't you?) it was time to trade her in.

It was bittersweet. While I won't miss trying to get Afton out of her carseat in and out of a two-door vehicle, I will miss my first car.
I had many a fun moments in Flora... She drove me to Utah after graduating college to start college at BYU.
She drove my around with my wonderful friends during those said BYU years.
She was there when Chad and I met and drove us to Utah to pick out my wedding ring.
She lived in Salt Lake with us for the first 3 years we were married and endured the snow and salt.
She moved us back to California and spent the next few years driving us from place to place.
She was there for us when others weren't...ahem...The Audi who we do not speak of.
She brought our first baby home safely from the hospital.
And she took Afton and Oliver on their first road trip to Idaho and Utah.
She saw many great scenery and mountainside views.
But alas, all good things must end someday and unfortunately Flora's days were numbered. But I am sure she will make some other family very happy.
As for us, well, we got a newer model. And we are very happy.
Say hello to out 2012 focus. Not sure what we will name her yet. Any suggestions?


Katie said...

you'll have to do another post in a few weeks to say how you like it! we are looking at getting a new car right now. :) hope you enjoy your new car smell!!

Lindsey said...

Ba ha ha oh my gosh Claire!!! If you weren't the mother of that adorable little Afton I might have to kill you haha! Oh but such good times though. Love the new car!