Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Shoes & New Jeans

Luckily I haven't had to buy hardly any clothes for Afton. And the clothes I have bought I probably didn't need too. But making clothes hardly counts as buying them right?
I found this really cute tutorial for baby sandals and I couldn't pass it up. So I found some cheap vinyl on sale and went to work. I thought it would be very easy and I would be done in a few hours. You know, like 2 hours, 3 tops.
Turns out it took 7+. Yeah. But once I got about half way I couldn't NOT finish them. So these were definitely a labor of love.
This is what Afton did while I sewed... Doesn't it look fun?
I also made an accompanying headband.
I just love my girl and I love making cute clothes for her. Even if she takes the headband off after a minute and loses a shoe every other minute. I just keep telling myself it's worth it.
And what is a new pair of shoes without a new pair of jeans?
Jeggings look ridiculous on most adults but VERY cute on my baby. Don't you think?

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